Do Race Hustlers Secretly Want Straight White Males to Enjoy Their White Privilege?

With today’s current discriminatory rhetoric against whites (especially straight white males) polluting the atmosphere of not just society but college classrooms, are the race hustlers (of all races) carrying out this idea in the most effective way?

For instance, a common phrase many will hear in today’s culture of hashtags and slogans is “check your privilege”. This essentially means that if you’re apart of a group who is deemed as “privileged” and “represented” enough you may, especially in debate, have to effectively shut up all because of your reproductive organ or skin tone.

They’ll proclaim that this needs to be done to give the floor to an “oppressed voice” who they usually deem as gays, women, people of color, etc.

So, it may not be uncommon today for you to be making an argument and get abruptly cut off with, “Yeah, but you’re a straight white male so your opinion doesn’t matter”.

Of course, this is gross racist and sexist censorship but are the race hustlers accidentally giving straight white males another privilege in and of itself?

Arguing is hard. It involves lots of thinking in order to maintain a coherent point. It may be worse for some while speaking in front of an audience. Yet here you are being told to shut up. Is that not a luxury? Think about it.

If you’re in class and you’re told to “check your privilege” while voicing your opinion you have less work. You don’t need to participate. You don’t need to pay attention. So, instead of having to follow along with the boring ongoing tirades of faux intellectuals and disgruntled classmates, you can pull out your phone and go shopping on Amazon. Damn! Star Wars The Complete Saga blu-ray box set is only $60??!! Had I not been told to check my privilege I would’ve missed out on this killer Prime deal!!

What if you’re in math class not paying attention and the professor calls on you? “Robby! Please explain to the class what a hypotenuse is?”. Instead of sweating and trying to stumble for a creatively made up answer, as straight white males had to do in racist times, simply say, “I think Juliette, a hispanic woman, should be able to speak about it. Her kind don’t have a voice so I’ll leave it to her.” You can now safely go back to watching a three-way on PornHub.

How about the Evergreen State University’s incidence of 2017 when white students and professors, by the demand of a kangaroo court of students, were told not to show up to campus for one day? Is that a good way to execute who you deem a problem? You give them the day off? Really? Did Hitler say, “I hate ze jews! I sink I vill give zhem ze day off!!!!”?

What’s next? Affirmative action? Now straight white males don’t have to work. There’s too many of them in the workforce. Grab your beach towel, surfboard, swim suit, and sunscreen because now you can lay on the beach indefinitely. Of course, they’ll come to you every now and then for revenue.

It seems as if they’re trying to give straight white males a whole new set of privileges.

Who are the race hustlers though?

Conservatives tend to incorrectly point to minorities yet that isn’t true. It’s coming from white liberal progressives ironically. Hip and woke whites who spend their lives virtue-signaling about how “cool” they are from the rolled down windows of their BMWs. “Oh look at me. I’m white and I bash whites. I’m not one of the bad honkeys my peeps of color. Hi, I have money. Listen to me and you’ll get some.”

You see what happens when you don’t pay attention to your methods of ending oppression?


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