Marginalized People Code of Conduct translated


Before we get into translating this important piece of social and intellectual conduct, let’s first define who “marginalized people” are as opposed to “privileged people”.

Marginalized people are people that are not white. This means because of their skin color they have all experienced centuries worth of oppression. It can also include members of the LGBTQ community. They are God’s chosen people.

Privileged people are people that are white. This means because of their skin color they’ve lived their life having 14 limousines, millions upon millions of dollars, oppressing the marginalized, slaves, and have never known a hard day in their entire life. They are born with “original whiteness” or “original sin”.

Since the educational system in the United States is a part of a racist white supremacist conspiracy theory, I’ve decided to break this down for marginalized people so they can understand it in a way that doesn’t involve any pesky white male constructs like logic getting in the way and oppressing them.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to be nice to you”

Translation: They can do anything from spitting in your face to carjacking you to assaulting you. Bruh. It’s understandable. People who had their same skin color were oppressed 4,000 years ago and that somehow justifies criminal activity.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to educate you”

Translation: Why take the time and educate people in order to foster dialogue between different groups to make the future better? It’s better to look at someone and dismiss their humanity and intellectual capacity based upon their skin color.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to ‘debate’ or prove their oppression to you”

Translation: Want to make a claim but don’t want to have to worry about providing evidence for it while going unchallenged? Well, if you’re of a certain skin color this is your privilege.

Original: “Marginalized people don’t have to make you feel comfortable”

Translation: If you’re non-white and working as a maid in a hotel you don’t have to clean off the blood stains from the night before’s murder for a white family checking into the room.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to give your ‘opinion’ equal weight to their experiences”

Translation: Once again, let’s all not try and find common ground. Dismissing ideas or personal experiences based upon a person’s skin color will definitely help make you not arrogant and ignorant.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to earn your respect in order to be treated as human”

Translation: So, if you’re non-white and rape a 12-year old white girl, don’t worry, you can still have human dignity and consider yourself a part of the human race without anyone else’s validation.

Original: “Marginalized people do not always have to remain calm in the face of dehumanization”

Translation: If you’re discussing a topic like racism and the honkey you’re talking to says something “dehumanizing” like, “Racism isn’t as big of a problem as it was in 1842”, feel free to become enraged like a crystal meth addict and bite their face off.

Hopefully now we will all strive to understand how much of a divisive future we have coming for us with this code of conduct.

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