Diverse Conformity


The diversity fetish of liberal progressives continues to tap dance around western societies on a daily basis.

Regardless of what you’re told, the left’s old age diversity scheme is predicated, not on diversity, but on conformity. They even admit it in one of their worn diatribes on the supposed power structures that make up societies in the west. 

Take this as an example: 

Left: We love racial, sexual, sexual orientation, and gender diversity.

Also left: Race, sex, sexual orientation, and gender are social constructs used to oppress the “marginalized”. 

If their second contradictory point is true, what’s the point of diversity? If everyone is the same (i.e., no racial or sexual differences) why fight for it? And if those differences are made up what’s left? Policing thought of course. 

That being said, it doesn’t mean if you’re of a certain race or sex you should think and act a certain way but those differences – which exist on a base level – help make people individuals and therefore “diverse”.

The only diversity that actually matters though is diversity of thought which will only happen so long as the principles of free speech are adhered to. 

The left is okay with free speech when it criticizes straight white males but when it pertains to non-whites it’s not okay. Lets be honest though. The left is okay with criticizing anyone – regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, and gender – so long as they’re not on the left.  

What interesting conversations will result if everyone is brought together based on meaningless traits like race, shoe size, blood type, allergies, sex, hole preference, and gender, or even strict adherence to leftist politics? 

Why do they love superficialities instead of ideas so much? Because superficialities are meaningless compared to ideas. And when you focus on meaningless traits you leave the mind unguarded to be swept into dogma. 

This is what their true motives are. 

Look at the previous election. The left hit social media with a tidal wave bragging about how the first left-handed Latina was elected to janitor at the senate, the first lesbian basket weaver was elected to Congress, the first Ugandan male to lose his virginity at 35 was elected as a representative, yet all of those “very important” qualifications for running a country in turmoil left out one elected leader. 

Why? Because she is a republican. Young Kim, is the first Korean woman to ever hold elected office. 

As a side note, it also works against their narrative of the US being a racist and sexist country. 

The diversity con of superficialities is just a front to show people that they’re not racist or sexist. What they don’t understand is that intellect is what gives people their humanity – not their genetic traits. 

The left: making everyone diversely left-wing since their slave owning days.