The White Privilege of Storming the Capital

We all know what happened and it was only a matter of time. I’m still surprised to hear people say, “This will start a civil war!!”. Where have you been? The Capital was just stormed by the Vandals and this past summer large portions of the country were on fire as rioters clashed with law enforcement. We’re in it already and it’s going to have to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Before I get into the meat of what has happened, I’d like to educate the virgins to history as to why, as serious as this is, is not the worst time in American history. The Capital has weathered worse including other terrorist takeovers, bombings and was even literally cremated as it burned to the ground once.

Who’s to blame, for what many are inclined to believe, is the most recent use of violence on the Capital in contemporary history? Donald Trump and his goon squad, rightfully so. It’s hard to pin down exactly who that squad is now considering he fires people every 9 seconds but by this point it’s anyone who wants to be employed by him.

Of course, those who rioted this past summer and claim to be against violence will instantly blame the entire Republican Party and those who voted for him. The exact opposite could not get anymore opposite. Almost everybody on the political spectrum has spoken out against this – hypocritically or not. For the 1 in 5 Trump supporters who think he has done a great job in handling the results of the election, I’d say I agree with you as his incitement to violence on his own government worked for several hours.

The biggest discussion now does not seem to be how we can all come together and act sensibly but instead further stoke the flames of the race riots we’ve already had by blaming white people. Not only blame white people, but once again make anecdotal divisive comparisons between police conduct at similar events as, once again, white police officers supposedly treated skin colors differently. I usually have a hard time understanding the concept of white privilege but this one is mind-boggling.

How do you maintain white privilege by having white people topple a government run by white people who rule over mostly white people that provides them with their white privilege? The people that did this were savages so I can see them not thinking through their plan of preserving “whiteness”.

Of course, I’m being told by Joey B. and his massive forehead that had this been black people they all would’ve been massacred for no reason.

Thousands of Twitter pions echoed this claim with Joey B. and his IMAX screen-sized forehead actually being one of the echoers. I’m not sure who started this unoriginal and used up race-baiting eureka talking point. I’m also not sure what this point is supposed to make. Is it pointing out double standards? Is it finally an admission that what happened over the summer weren’t mostly peaceful protests? Are they saying police brutality should have been used for both?

White privilege seems to be expanding so far to the point that now even being killed by fellow white law enforcement is deemed a form of privilege as multiple whites were either killed or died later due to the raid. To top off their white privilege, 82 white privileged arrests were made. Those who were killed in a typical white privileged manner included capital police officer, Brian Sicknick and Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt. Sicknick was smashed in the head with a white privileged fire extinguisher and Babbitt was shot in the neck with a white privileged rubber bullet. Among the white privileged capital police, 50 of them were injured.

It doesn’t get anymore white privileged than that.

The non-white disadvantage this summer resulted in total carnage as future cackling “fweedom” President, Kamala Harris set up a bail fund for rioters to get back out and destroy things.

In Washington, DC, whose summer was so hot it was on fire most of the time, multiple prosecutors dropped charges on rioters.

We had the Defund the Police movement that resulted in hoards of assaulted police officers with one being killed. The National Guard was called in only to be ordered to move out. The Mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler also continuously rejected Trump’s recommendation to send in the National Guard because that’s how much he wanted to maintain white government brutality.

In Seattle we had the incredible experiment of Chop/Chaz, run by Hip-Hop artist, Raz Simone, where an entire portion of the city was seized. In fact, the local police precinct hated the rifle-brandishing African-American so much that they shut down.

Police officers even got so scared that they used their white privileged knees to kneel for BLM rioters due to their white privileged white guilt.

Since the United States has always protected white people and not marginalized groups, let’s now take a time machine back to 1954, when Puerto Rican nationalists were not killed when they shot and killed a white police officer while raiding the Capital.

In 1967, The Black Panther Party decided it’d be a good idea to storm the white-run Capital of Sacramento, California with shot guns where nothing happened to them.

Of course I couldn’t leave out feminists as in 2018, feminists broke through the police barriers on the steps of the Capital building in order to demand the removal of Justice Kavanaugh.

If you initiated devastating violence on a country to dismantle the supposedly oppressive government then you are a traitor. This is, of course, the core message of Critical Race Theory and Marxism.

What’s the cause of all this?

Of course, a scroll on Twitter will tell you white people however it is much more philosophically profound. Altruist-collectivism is the cause. When you dogmatize your movement, put it above your individual life, and sacrifice yourself for its unconditional cause you will get warfare. The belief that your side has a monopoly on truth makes possible the blood-baiting rhetoric of “you’re either for us or against us” and “you’re part of the problem”. Interestingly enough, for those who don’t identify with a side are deemed as the most complacent. It kind of sounds like so long as you’re on a side you’re okay…? Then again, that’s not true either because you must join the “right” side. We’re now all prosecuted by superficial association rather than by individual action.

Worse yet, with this logic, you’ll find massive hypocrisy as suddenly their non-existent morality flies out the window when they believe whenever their side commits a crime it’s just. The virginal “we never inflict violence” left and the virginal “we never inflict violence” right are a great example of this. They are both very potent forms of kerosene that just happen to create their own explosions. I’m not here to try and figure out which is worse. Someone’s business burning down and the government that was supposed to protect that business owner’s rights burning down are both bad.

People must view each other as individuals otherwise we’ll get what we already have. We need to find the common ideas of a free society that liberate us from viewing each other as groups defined by race, sex, and rigid political ideology.

If history shows anything, the most dangerous people are those who believe they are so right that they force it onto others.

In the meantime, the Capital has insurance, it’s just property, and you didn’t like their other forms of protest.

I Was Served by a Hispanic Woman at McDonald’s: Why This is a Form of Slavery


The latest traumatic revelation in my life happened today. Being that we live in a draconian capitalistic society that provides us with copious amounts of prosperity I was forced to go get nourished at the oppressive racist fast-food joint by the name of McDonald’s. 

As I entered this bourgeois fascist institution, I noticed that they had, what seemed like unlimited choices of food on their pig menus. Yes! That’s right! Multiple menus. So oppressive. I looked around and saw people who were eating. Some were even victimized by being over nourished (aka fat). Wow, like why don’t you just keep these people as slaves to the manipulative capitalistic restaurant chain that makes their food taste good. 

Anyways, I noticed that the entire staff was Hispanic! What the hell, man, woman, non-binary! Like can it even get anymore oppressive already? The evil white male CEO is only hiring Hispanic (mostly female – even more oppressive) to slave for them at market determined wages. 

Being that I’m a white male, of course they catered to me because of the patriarchy. The woman behind the counter was willing to serve me as if she was born to do just do that. She was like, “¡Hola! How can I help you?”. You see how submissive they’ve made her? At first, I nearly choked on my whiteness as trickles of sweat slid down my privileged honky forehead. I was afraid to speak but my white male-entitled hunger overcame me as I victimized her by saying, “I would like a cheeseburger and small fries.” I got small fries because I wanted to keep their work load low when they shoveled my fries into the paper bag. 

Then she handed me a placard with a number on it. I said, “What is this for?”. She responded with, “Put this on your table and we’ll bring your food to you!”. I was shocked. Let me repeat what she told me. She said, “Put this on your table and we’ll bring your food to you!”.

I couldn’t fight the patriarchal white supremacist system so, begrudgingly with slumped shoulders, I walked to the nearest empty table. I did want to sit at a table near the exit but a black man was sitting there so I decided not to. I didn’t want to ruin his dining experience with my whiteness. I mean, bruh. Think of how hard it is for him to constantly be subjected to white people on a daily basis. I guess this is one instance when I was brave enough to revoke my white privilege of sitting wherever I wanted to.

Also, can you imagine the white supremacy infused into the cheese in his cheeseburger? Every bite of that gooey goodness made his chances of living a shorter life than a white man become more and more a reality. It is well known via white liberal studies that McDonald’s only serves artery-clogging cheeseburgers to control black male population numbers. 

So, anyways I sat down and waited for quite a bit. They probably dock their pay the slower they are. I was so close to going back up to the counter and telling her I don’t want the fries if it’ll take you longer to serve me. I didn’t though. My patriarchal whiteness overpowered me. It has made me self-centered. All I cared about was my hunger and my food to be served by an oppressed Hispanic woman. 

This racist agenda of serving white male customers used to not exist. Look at the disparity over the decades. In 1969, most employees at McDonald’s were white males and they didn’t have to serve customers at their table. In 2019, when they are staffed by predominantly Hispanics they make them go the extra mile – literally – to serve us. 

My food eventually came to me. Seeing the way this marginalized and disenfranchised woman put the tray on the table and the way she said, “Enjoy!” I nearly lost my appetite but I ate on. As I was munching away at my oppressive fattening fascist capitalist meal, that cost me about $7 (greedy bastards), an asian man dressed in his camouflage military fatigues came in with his son. 

There are so many things wrong with this. 

Not to sidetrack but like think how much of a bad influence this dad is for his son. Being in the military, they train you to exude your being with toxic masculinity. I can’t imagine all the times this young boy has been brainwashed with things like, “Man up”, “Suck it up”, “I’ll teach you how to lift weights in order to stay fit and healthy”, “The United States is a great country”, or the worst of all, “Always provide for women, save them from danger, love them, care for them, and it’s okay to be attracted to ones that are feminine.” Somebody needs to get this child a strong empowered single mom and a bottle of glitter. The second troubling realization I had about the most racially tolerant country on planet earth was how badly we have treated the richest segment of the population and then make them fight wars for us. I’m white let me speak on his behalf. 

On my drive home, I thought about my situation with the Hispanic woman and realized that it is a facet of white male entitlement that this society has brainwashed me into acting out. I could’ve said, “You know what? You sit down. I’ll serve you” but I didn’t because I have been taught to expect a service from a brown person I’ve paid. Look at what we’ve become. I am such an ableist. Ronald McDonald is white. The Hamburgler is white. The Beatles are white. Drake and Josh are white. Donald Trump is white. I am white. 

Hopefully, some day us whites will know what it’s like to experience slavery and discrimination first hand. McDonald’s needs to be decolonized. Bigot.


Ted Bundy’s White Privilege


According to this article, Ted Bundy is one of the many white figures in history to be bequeathed with white privilege. 

He wasn’t a charismatic charming manipulator. He wasn’t a shifty deceitful killer who could slide between a gentleman and a psychopathic killer. 

You heard it right. Ted Bundy “got away” with his diabolical blood soaked killing sprees because of his skin pigmentation. 

The author in the above article argues that the only reason women even trusted Bundy in the first place was because he was white.

My epiphany in regard to this article is that I’m beginning to realize that the whole white privilege argument is now fully nonsensical in all its aspects more so than I’ve ever realized.

The surface level claim is nearly comedic. If the women were only lured by Bundy because he was white that would technically mean that any white guy – regardless of attractiveness – would be a ladies’ man. Women would forgo their suspicion when a white guy suddenly blurts out in a sweat, “You wanna come back to my place?” or “Come here. I want to show you a picture of my new puppy that’s inside of my nondescript van parked away from all the other cars in the parking garage.”

In fact, Ann Rule, who wrote a novelization of Bundy’s killing years (The Deliberate Stranger) would express that the TV movie of the same name (starring Mark Harmon as Bundy) left out the somewhat visible insecurities of the real-life Bundy. 

The article also sets up premises that help dismantle her case for “white corruption”. For instance she’s making a case a white supremacist might make such as, “White men are so superior that they can practically get women to eat out of the palm of their blood soaked hand.”

The author also makes a case that debunks white privilege that sums up to, “There was nothing special about Ted Bundy. He was just a white guy.” Exactly. There’s nothing special about being white.

The lunacy ensues when the claim is made that the serial killer who was held to the fullest extent of the law and that all of the US wanted killed was treated “nicely” when in captivity. Obscure instances are cited such as when the judge who sentenced him to death called him, “Partner”.

Whites have occupied death row predominantly since 1976. Is it now acceptable to use the, “Well, that’s because they commit more serious crimes” line? Seems like systemic racism to me.

Baseless claims are further asserted when Bundy is supposedly praised on a mass scale as being a good lawyer. For those who don’t know, Bundy represented himself at some of his trials to embarrassing results proving that he was better at manipulating women than he was the legal system. His defense attorney would later ironically be a woman.

To sum it all up, white privilege is apparently getting convicted of your crimes and then electrocuted as punishment to the sound of fireworks going off outside the prison as your (ironically) white hearse rolls by your “going away” festivities.

By the way, did Carl Eugene Watts (The Sunday Slasher) who may have killed up to 100 women and Anthony Sowell, have black disadvantage? With the way this author embarrasses herself you’d think the rhetoric would be along the lines of, “What about black serial killers? Don’t they get credit for their contributions?”.

Marginalized People Code of Conduct translated


Before we get into translating this important piece of social and intellectual conduct, let’s first define who “marginalized people” are as opposed to “privileged people”.

Marginalized people are people that are not white. This means because of their skin color they have all experienced centuries worth of oppression. It can also include members of the LGBTQ community. They are God’s chosen people.

Privileged people are people that are white. This means because of their skin color they’ve lived their life having 14 limousines, millions upon millions of dollars, oppressing the marginalized, slaves, and have never known a hard day in their entire life. They are born with “original whiteness” or “original sin”.

Since the educational system in the United States is a part of a racist white supremacist conspiracy theory, I’ve decided to break this down for marginalized people so they can understand it in a way that doesn’t involve any pesky white male constructs like logic getting in the way and oppressing them.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to be nice to you”

Translation: They can do anything from spitting in your face to carjacking you to assaulting you. Bruh. It’s understandable. People who had their same skin color were oppressed 4,000 years ago and that somehow justifies criminal activity.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to educate you”

Translation: Why take the time and educate people in order to foster dialogue between different groups to make the future better? It’s better to look at someone and dismiss their humanity and intellectual capacity based upon their skin color.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to ‘debate’ or prove their oppression to you”

Translation: Want to make a claim but don’t want to have to worry about providing evidence for it while going unchallenged? Well, if you’re of a certain skin color this is your privilege.

Original: “Marginalized people don’t have to make you feel comfortable”

Translation: If you’re non-white and working as a maid in a hotel you don’t have to clean off the blood stains from the night before’s murder for a white family checking into the room.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to give your ‘opinion’ equal weight to their experiences”

Translation: Once again, let’s all not try and find common ground. Dismissing ideas or personal experiences based upon a person’s skin color will definitely help make you not arrogant and ignorant.

Original: “Marginalized people do not have to earn your respect in order to be treated as human”

Translation: So, if you’re non-white and rape a 12-year old white girl, don’t worry, you can still have human dignity and consider yourself a part of the human race without anyone else’s validation.

Original: “Marginalized people do not always have to remain calm in the face of dehumanization”

Translation: If you’re discussing a topic like racism and the honkey you’re talking to says something “dehumanizing” like, “Racism isn’t as big of a problem as it was in 1842”, feel free to become enraged like a crystal meth addict and bite their face off.

Hopefully now we will all strive to understand how much of a divisive future we have coming for us with this code of conduct.

Voting as a Racial Sacrifice

Once again, the racist concept of white privilege has stuck its head out from the intellectual sewer and is now infecting voting interests.

If you’re white, according to many (white) people on the left, you must repent for either your white racism, inadvertent support of a white racist system, or being a part of a white racist system.

I find it peculiar that people can actually divide up issues by skin color.

Why would ending oppression be against the interests of whites? That is unless you are implying whites have inherently racist interests that continue their collective oppressive rule. It also assumes that the black politicians running are just in their platforms and only they can extrapolate black interests.

Whatever the case, saying there’s a white interest and a black interest is just haggling over who’s racism will be justified. By definition, a white interest violates black interests and therefore a black interest will inevitably take precedence over a white interest.

This isn’t about ending supposed racism, it’s about justifying the potential racism of another side.

Sacrificing yourself for an honest achievement is evil, but what’s even more evil is sacrificing your interests because of your skin color as form of repentance.

This issue is more about identity politics though. If you’re a white leftist you are divine (yet still infected with whiteness) because you’re apologizing for your skin color and if you’re a republican you’re “obviously” a KKK member.

Vote for who you want and support issues that will foster equality. That means regardless of skin color.

And to quote Lou Perez of We The Internet TV, “Cultural appropriation is OK when voting.”


Do Race Hustlers Secretly Want Straight White Males to Enjoy Their White Privilege?

With today’s current discriminatory rhetoric against whites (especially straight white males) polluting the atmosphere of not just society but college classrooms, are the race hustlers (of all races) carrying out this idea in the most effective way?

For instance, a common phrase many will hear in today’s culture of hashtags and slogans is “check your privilege”. This essentially means that if you’re apart of a group who is deemed as “privileged” and “represented” enough you may, especially in debate, have to effectively shut up all because of your reproductive organ or skin tone.

They’ll proclaim that this needs to be done to give the floor to an “oppressed voice” who they usually deem as gays, women, people of color, etc.

So, it may not be uncommon today for you to be making an argument and get abruptly cut off with, “Yeah, but you’re a straight white male so your opinion doesn’t matter”.

Of course, this is gross racist and sexist censorship but are the race hustlers accidentally giving straight white males another privilege in and of itself?

Arguing is hard. It involves lots of thinking in order to maintain a coherent point. It may be worse for some while speaking in front of an audience. Yet here you are being told to shut up. Is that not a luxury? Think about it.

If you’re in class and you’re told to “check your privilege” while voicing your opinion you have less work. You don’t need to participate. You don’t need to pay attention. So, instead of having to follow along with the boring ongoing tirades of faux intellectuals and disgruntled classmates, you can pull out your phone and go shopping on Amazon. Damn! Star Wars The Complete Saga blu-ray box set is only $60??!! Had I not been told to check my privilege I would’ve missed out on this killer Prime deal!!

What if you’re in math class not paying attention and the professor calls on you? “Robby! Please explain to the class what a hypotenuse is?”. Instead of sweating and trying to stumble for a creatively made up answer, as straight white males had to do in racist times, simply say, “I think Juliette, a hispanic woman, should be able to speak about it. Her kind don’t have a voice so I’ll leave it to her.” You can now safely go back to watching a three-way on PornHub.

How about the Evergreen State University’s incidence of 2017 when white students and professors, by the demand of a kangaroo court of students, were told not to show up to campus for one day? Is that a good way to execute who you deem a problem? You give them the day off? Really? Did Hitler say, “I hate ze jews! I sink I vill give zhem ze day off!!!!”?

What’s next? Affirmative action? Now straight white males don’t have to work. There’s too many of them in the workforce. Grab your beach towel, surfboard, swim suit, and sunscreen because now you can lay on the beach indefinitely. Of course, they’ll come to you every now and then for revenue.

It seems as if they’re trying to give straight white males a whole new set of privileges.

Who are the race hustlers though?

Conservatives tend to incorrectly point to minorities yet that isn’t true. It’s coming from white liberal progressives ironically. Hip and woke whites who spend their lives virtue-signaling about how “cool” they are from the rolled down windows of their BMWs. “Oh look at me. I’m white and I bash whites. I’m not one of the bad honkeys my peeps of color. Hi, I have money. Listen to me and you’ll get some.”

You see what happens when you don’t pay attention to your methods of ending oppression?