Heterosexual Men are a Plague on Civilization


I didn’t say that, imply it, nor agree with it, but a feminist writer came out and expressed that in more ways than one in an opinion piece for NBC News titled, “Miley Cyrus’ split with Liam Hemsworth isn’t just celebrity gossip – it’s a blow to the patriarchy”.

I’m not going to counter every point brought up in this nonsensical work of journalism, but just the ones I think are common feminist talking points that keep going uncriticized on a massive scale in the mainstream.

Over the past week, an assortment of trending stories — from Jeffrey Epstein to the Dayton and El Paso mass shooters, to Miley Cyrus’s separation and Julianne Hough’s declaration that she’s “not straight” — together have laid bare the strictures of an American patriarchy on the edge of a nervous breakdown. As the status quo, heterosexuality is just not working.

Off the bat, the author’s misandry is immediately exposed when she groups all straight men together as suicidal child-molesting mass murderers. The reason I can confidently type that is because, according to feminism, patriarchy is something that all men benefit from. So, just by being born a man (i.e., original sin) you’ll be a part of the same diabolical sexist system that Epstein and mass murderers are a part of.

Damn. I was having a good life until I found that out. Now I feel bad for things that I didn’t do and have no moral responsibility to fix.

Not surprisingly, the stupidity of her point goes to a new level. The author now states that heterosexuality is a faulty made up conformist trend perpetuated by the patriarchy. All this time, I thought it was an evolutionary mechanism used to fulfill two primary goals – reproduction and survival.

I could put billions of links here of heterosexuality working because there seems to be a lot of examples among 7 billion humans, chickens, ducks, kangaroos, dinosaurs, birds, camels, giraffes, insects, and every other species to exist in the animal kingdom then and now. I don’t think a washed up Disney has-been is going to be able to end – even for a millisecond – hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, however I think she will lead young women into an abyss of confusion and misandry for hundreds of thousands of years to come.

For the most part, there isn’t much evidence of homosexuality existing in nature. Since that’s the case, that doesn’t imply it’s a sin or something to be shunned and banned anymore than driving cars (something also not included in the evolutionary package).

Fellow WordPress blogger, Evolutionary Biologist, Jerry Coyne recently wrote a great post on two supposedly “gay” penguins that recently emerged. Usually, instances of same-sex relationships in nature have nothing to do with what we humans would call being “gay”. If you’re to immediately assume a same-sex relationship of some sort makes you gay than you should feel comfortable in claiming that prison makes you gay.

As a snapshot of 2019 America, these stories present a startling picture: Men continue to coerce, harass, rape and kill girls and women — and go to extreme lengths to avoid responsibility for their actions. On the other side of the issue, girls and women are challenging heterosexuality, and even absconding from it altogether.

As a snapshot of 2019 America, these stories present a startling picture: Men continue to save women, that may be feminists who hate them, from drowning in submerged cars. Some even go to extreme lengths to apologize for something that they may have or may not have done. On the other side of the issue, girls and women are living in one of the safest best times in human history for girls and women especially for crimes concerning rape.

“Framed differently, the picture is this: Men need heterosexuality to maintain their societal dominance over women. Women, on the other hand, are increasingly realizing not only that they don’t need heterosexuality, but that it also is often the bedrock of their global oppression.”

Heterosexuality is common because it’s what helps the human race survive and reproduce. This includes helping, ironically, create more gay people. And what happened to free choice? Aren’t there any women that love being in heterosexual relationships?

Patriarchy is at its most potent when oppression doesn’t feel like oppression, or when it is packaged in terms of biology, religion or basic social needs like security comfort, acceptance and success. Heterosexuality offers women all these things as selling points to their consensual subjection.

Essentially the argument is this:

When there’s evidence of patriarchy there’s patriarchy. When there isn’t evidence of patriarchy there’s patriarchy.

This point correlates to a feminist theory known as Internalized Misogyny. What this concept plainly states is that it’s easy for women to not be able to think for themselves and be manipulated by men thus making them, in one way or another, inferior. This can include things like not being smart or brave enough to fight against “oppressors”.

I didn’t say it. The author did.

Historically, women have been conditioned to believe that heterosexuality is natural or innate…

Go to a zoo and watch bizarre creatures who are merely guided by their percepts, and not free will, engage in heterosexual activities.

In the “Women’s Health” September cover story, [Julianne] Hough, an actress and “Dancing With the Stars” champion, describes her personal transformation, which included “de-layering all the survival tactics I’ve built up my whole life.” One of these survival tactics, she says, meant “connecting to the woman inside that doesn’t need anything, versus the little girl that looked to [my husband] to protect me.” She voices concern that her husband will respond negatively to this newfound self-sufficiency: “I was like, ‘Is he going to love this version of me?’ But the more I dropped into my most authentic self, the more attracted he was to me. Now we have a more intimate relationship.

This paragraph expresses a recently in-vogue feminist misandrist perception that involves a butchered definition of the word, “independence”.

In order, to get women away from men they try to paint romantic relationships as sacrificial, dependent, and subordinative. They then go on to claim that whenever a man wants to offer “protection” he really has intentions of enslavement. This is why a lot of young women today refuse to date men or get married as they think it will end up with them having to give up all of their enjoyment of life.

Who said you have to give up anything in the first place?

It’s laughable to hear an obscure Hollywood minion offer up advice on, ironically, what makes a relationship stable. A relationship is not two completely spiritually isolated human beings living together. Intimacy doesn’t arise from civility alone. A relationship is when you trade value for value to mutual benefit – not set up a trade barrier.

Part of the intimacy entailed telling her husband that she was “not straight” but had chosen to be with him. This is an inspirational statement, because it offers a new model for women to enter into heterosexual relationships with men that redefines the power dynamic.

That must be nice for him to hear. “Hi, honey I’m not straight so therefore it’s impossible for me to romantically love you. I also think that if I was straight I’d be your slave.”

According to Intersectional Feminism, (the idea that different social forces like privilege, skin color, and sex organ play a role in privilege, domination and enslavement) the man – by birthright – will always be the natural slave master as they are more “privileged” and “powerful” in society.

Of course, all of this nonsense flies out the window if you’re a lesbian.

She [Cyrus] added that her goal for 2019 was to “live carefree but not careless” — a brilliant distinction that could serve as a mantra for anyone in a marriage, straight or gay. The difference between carefree and careless in a way represents the ideological division in the definition of “freedom.

Again, “carefree” in the newest feminist definition essentially states that this will only be possible when distancing yourself from men and only men. Straight men.

To be free is not to have the power to do anything you like,” Simone de Beauvoir writes in “The Ethics of Ambiguity.” Indeed, Friedrich Nietzsche asserted that “freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves.

Great. Now the author is quoting the serial killer, Nietzsche. Freedom, in and of itself, doesn’t denote “responsibility”. That’s more proper of a term for independence. Freedom, instead, is the right to consent or revoke consent.

I’ll only give the ideological respect I never had for the author back when she quotes Ted Bundy.

And this responsibility carries over from the self to society, which is why, according to Toni Morrison, “The function of freedom is to free someone else.” For Audre Lorde this definition of freedom is a social contract: “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.

No it’s not. If you’re chained to others constantly working for them as a collectivist societal duty you’re not free. Moreover, by this atrocious philosophical abomination of a quote, you’re not “free” as long as someone else who shares your sex organ isn’t “free”. You’re not a slave or siamese twin by proxy – you’re an individual.

Cyrus’s and Hough’s respective declarations does more than raise visibility for the queer community at large — it is a powerful assertion of their bodily autonomy and control over their sexuality.

What law in the west states that you don’t have control over your sexuality? What credible study shows that, on a mass scale, people in the west don’t support freedom of sexual orientation?

And this notion — that an adult is responsible for their own sex life (how they have sex, who they have sex with, when, where, and why they have sex) — portrays a sharp contrast in our culture. Where men seem to never to have to take responsibility for their actions, women always must take responsibility for not only their own actions but the actions of men.

Men never take responsibility for their own actions? Really? Most prisoners in the U.S. are male. And how many do you want to bet are innocent or have committed a “crime” that shouldn’t be a crime?

“While men stew in their mess, women are rising. They are taking back control of their lives and their bodies and they are questioning the foundation of the patriarchy — heterosexuality — that has kept them blindly subordinate for centuries.”

For once, she is right. Men are in a tidal wave of a mess right now. They’re close to becoming a minority in colleges across the nation. They’re killing themselves, overdosing on drugs, getting diagnosed with mental illnesses left and right, and as a result have declined in their average lifespan.

Way to go men. You bastard pushovers.

Women, on the other side, aren’t doing that much better since they’re told to be paranoid of men and then advised to go out into the world with this false Mad Max “chip-on-their-shoulder” sense of bravery in a society where they really don’t need it.

Godspeed for men and women. The future isn’t good and – especially men – don’t care.

Rest in final peace.

Footnote –

As a budding SJW-ologist, I noticed that the author made a slip up. The proper term she should’ve used was, heteronormativity. Heteronormativity is a word that means heterosexuality is the oppressive societally-constructed norm. If you’re not careful, you may come across sounding like you hate heterosexuality in and of itself. Either way, I don’t think the author made too much of a mistake in not using the term because she seems to genuinely hate straight people.

Then again, there isn’t much difference in heteronormativity and hating heterosexuality in the first place.

Misandry & Psychology


It seems as though Gillette’s crusading commercial against toxic masculinity and the bureaucratic APA’s guidelines on how to handle masculinity from earlier this year weren’t enough to bring down the patriarchy.

So, now Ellen Hendriksen, a misandrist therapist who bills herself as “The Savvy Psychologist”, has decided to boldly conjure up a method on how to deal with men who are plagued with “toxic masculinity”.

Traits she considers toxic include:

  • Suffer pain in silence
  • Have no needs
  • Never lose
  • Show no emotions other than bravado or rage
  • Don’t depend on anyone
  • Don’t do anything that could be construed as weakness
  • Never snitch

This could not be anymore of a sexist stereotypical sandbox-playing 5-year old’s definition of masculinity.

For those of us who haven’t had our cortex rot away yet, let it be known that there isn’t such a thing as “toxic” masculinity or “traditional” masculinity. Those are just sleights for you to accept misandry into your mind.

Masculinity, or any biological or gender descriptor, by nature, cannot be anything. It’s not good nor is it bad. Good or bad behavior is not determined by biology. Instead, good and bad traits along with actions are determined based upon an individual person’s actions and character. Biological makeup or gender cannot be, under any rational premises, a standard for judgement.

Hi, it’s 2019 and this still has to be explained.

On the other hand, there are traits and behaviors that can be, on average, associated with males and females.

Doesn’t this statement justify making collective judgements about groups of people?

No. This does not mean, nor does it give you the pass whatsoever, to make roundhouse conclusions and judgements about individuals based ONLY upon superficial traits.

Misandrists and sexists alike want to erase the connection between the individual and that individual’s corresponding character.

Now, let’s analyze Hendriksen’s misandrist nonsensical poorly constructed sexist grocery list of why males have inferior traits.

“Suffer pain in silence”

What constitutes as “suffer” and what constitutes as “silence”? I don’t know. Does she mean that men don’t express suffering and pain on the battle field when they get shot or does it mean they don’t express pain when they get stung by a bee or scrape their knee?

This supposedly college grad didn’t take too much time to be coherent much like the APA. In order to make her point intelligible, I’m going to assume this means that men tend to be stoic when confronted with everyday things like depression and shortcomings with themselves and others.

Well, this isn’t true. Since I don’t know anything about psychology, I’m going to write about psychology. I know enough that men and women are different. Men act differently and women act differently. Of course, we’re both human and share close to all traits but we’re still different.

Instead of busting out the Best of Desperate Housewives blu-ray box set and bowls of diabetes-inducing ice cream, men like to go out and do things with their friends like hiking and playing golf in order to soothe themselves out of hardship.

In fact, studies that this sexist psychologist should know about found that men aren’t against crying they just don’t consider it that useful in dealing with “suffering”. The Factual Feminist herself, Christina Hoff Sommers, has talked about this before.

And since men are in high positions of power on a daily basis, it can be appallingly counterproductive for them to break down and cry in the middle of saving a half-dead child from a burning building.

“Suffering pain in silence” (whatever that means) may have benefits.

Is this truly a masculine trait though? It sounds like men who are afraid to confront themselves, let alone others, are emasculated – not masculine.

“Have no needs”

This type of logic can also spout things like, “The moon doesn’t exist.” Just the fact, that men are the most economical sex when it comes to surviving and building the nitty-gritty of civilization – the biggest needs of all time – shows that they do, in fact, have a plethora of needs.

Man NEEDS to think in order to conceptualize ideas, pursue his values, communicate and trade with others in order to survive. The apex principle of civilization – survival – is a major need.

On a more down-to-earth level, does a dad not need time with his kids after a divorce? Does a boyfriend not need affection from his bitch of a girlfriend who hates him because he’s nice? Does your son not need an interest in order to prove his self-worth?

I understand that in western culture, men are looked to as providers, but how superficial can you be to view that as, “not needing.” As if being a “provider” is a rogue Mad Max-type occupation.

“Never lose”

Once again, what does this mean? Does this mean not knowing when to let your 5-year old son win an argument about which Pixar movie to watch on family movie night? Does this mean to accept failure halfway through a basketball game because the other team is ahead? Does it mean to “surrender” to your annoying cousin who’s trying to argue with you on a Facebook political post? Does it mean to never accept your shortcomings and press on through hellish times in your life?

Maybe she’s implying men don’t pick their battles?

I guess if Hendriksen was in one of those 70s disaster movies, she’d be the one, while trapped in a mineshaft, to say, “Well, I’ve lived a good life.”

Unfortunately, for Hendriksen, taking on the bromide of, “It’s okay to give up and lose” as a life lesson is near nihilistic advice and is something a supposed therapist should never recommend.

“Show no emotions other than bravado or rage”

I’m not even going to dig into her for coming up with a semi-redundant point (see “Suffer in silence”) regarding emotions, but instead rip into her for coming up with another straw man stereotype of men.

In today’s world, especially in schools, I’d understand why men might want to not show emotions since they continually get told to shut up because they’re nothing more than privileged soldiers of a vast oppressive patriarchal conspiracy who all lead great lives. Even in politics this rhetoric exists.

Feminist misandry aside, men and women, unbelievably,  are different therefore they express emotions differently. Women raise their voices and jump all over each other when they meet up with their friends whereas guys are probably more likely to shake hands and not immediately ask an onslaught of questions about how their life has been going for the past 18 years.

How much more of a cardboard cutout sexist stereotype can you get of men? There’s no dads who show joy when their son wins a baseball game? Men don’t congratulate their friends when a girl finally says yes to going on a date with them? Men don’t tell jokes or laugh at jokes? Men don’t find emotional solace in watching a movie with their loved one? What about playing with a dog? I guess men only exhibit bravado and rage for Rover while tossing him a frisbee.

“Don’t depend on anyone”

“Let’s get even more vague because then it will be harder for my opponents to detract my claims” seems to be the narrative of this laundry list of sexual inferiority.

Does this supposed psychologist know about those obscure TV broadcasts where a bunch of masculine men get onto a field or court of some sort and depend upon each other to achieve a goal? I suppose firefighters putting out a fire or construction workers building an orphanage never rely on each other for anything.

Maybe if Hendriksen watches Band of Brothers she’d have a different take on male dependency.

And just to anger feminists I’d have to say that men do indeed depend upon people. A man depends upon his wife to make dinner and iron his shirt when he gets home.

“Don’t do anything that could be construed as weakness”

Look kids! It’s another vague point about an emotional principle we’ve talked about two times already. This means that I’m not going to even address it because I only do things in twos.

“Never snitch”

I have no idea what she means but since most spies are men, I’d say this can be good advice sometimes.

I’m sort of disappointed that she didn’t bring up the two textbook adjectives that football stadium-sized masses of gender scholars regurgitate when asked about masculinity. For those of you who are brave enough to rummage through Gender Studies propaganda, you’ll know these “educators” will use the words “control” and “strength” when defining manhood.

Sometimes these merchants’ lies will cite dubious psychological surveys on how men describe masculinity as evidence of that being masculinity. As usual, they’re conducted using vague leading questions without elaborations from the participants.

If this is your main gauge for what masculinity is that’s like asking 100 infants, “Who is Bruce Lee?” and then taking their response of, “He’s a cashier at Panda Express” as evidence of Bruce Lee being a cashier at Panda Express.

Now, I’m going to give myself extra work and debunk the two most classic Gender Studies’ misandrist adjectives.


What’s meant by “control”? If you’re saying masculinity is synonymous with tyranny I’d say you’re a misandrist.

I guess all those masculine men who fought for the free world on the shores of Normandy were fighting for control.


Me know what feminist mean by strength. It mean destroy thing and rip thing to lift weights. Fire bad. Friend good.

When your anthropology professor who’s career was bought and paid for by their rich pig parents brings this uber stereotypically sexist dogmatic talking point up let them know that “strength” isn’t always bad.

You don’t always have to ask men about that since most women prefer men that can carry them and not the other way around.

Usually when these stained rolls of toilet paper in the shape of reputable educators give examples of what is meant by “strength” they’ll bring up sports and weightlifting.

It cannot get any worse than strength training can it? For such worldly intellectuals it’s amazing that when they look at weightlifting they view it only on the surface level. By “surface level” I mean they’re only using their eyes without the help of their underdeveloped ant brains.

Weightlifting and sports are two great activities that typically men enjoy. They teach confidence, goal-setting, integrity, teamwork, self-esteem skills, and can be a great outlet for stress. The professionals that arise from these fields also serve as great role models for kids who might be short of positive influences.

What might look like bicep curls can actually be an exercise that teaches the trainee many life lessons. You gain confidence every time you go up in weight. You set goals in order to get proper musculature. You learn confidence and self-esteem by seeing how far you’ve progressed. You learn to never give up every time it feels like your body can’t do anymore. One more rep can be a big leap in forming a positive mental attitude. A training partner can be a positive influence on you in encouraging you to work harder.

It’s not just throwing balls and lifting heavy things anymore than Van Gogh’s Chair painting is just a painted chair.

If I am to give any credit to all the misandrist psychologists, gender studies blowhards, and anthropology cretins I’d say they’ve done a fabulous job of describing emasculated men; men who have lost their balls in the midst of the feminist Atilla The Hun-style castration pillage.

I’m going to make a list of toxic feminine traits that need to be corrected.

  • Complain and nag about every little pain they feel
  • Have a bucket list of needs
  • Unending needs
  • Show no emotions other than bitchiness and passive-aggressiveness
  • Depend on everyone
  • Don’t do anything that could be construed as being a responsible adult
  • Snitch all the time (gossip)

You have a lot to work on ladies.

You Don’t Have A Right to Serve: Transgender Military Ban

With the recent transgender ban in effect for the military you may hear opponents to Trump’s ban spout things along the lines of, “People have a right to serve their country

While patriotism can be a noble trait, especially in a country like the US, you do not have a right to serve in the military. No one does. 

Before I get into the reasoning as to why let’s unpack the term “rights”. Rights are a prerogative to a course of action based off of the survival requirements of man. The person using them is free to pursue his or her pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness without coercing others to their dictates. 

By saying, “ One has the right to serve…” you are saying that you have a claim on someone else’s operation – in this case the military. You are expressing that by the “virtue” of existing or want you are entitled to force others to cater to your wishes which in effect makes them sacrifice their policy to you. Serving your country is not a right. 

The US military is an operation that is and should be maintained by qualified officials in the affairs of handling all aspects of combat. It is nor should it ever be treated as an organization that forgoes its primarily objectives of national safety for democratic majority whim-rule. 

It is made up by the citizens of the US but that doesn’t mean random citizens should believe they have a say in military policy or how it’s staffed.

Law enforcement and militaristic endeavors should not be treated as encounter groups. The goal of the military is to do one thing and that is uphold safety against aggressors. It is not supposed to be a diversity street fair filled with lessons about intersectional communication. 

Military policy should only accept anyone on the basis of skill and proper mentality for the job. 

That’s the primary problem I have with the argument for their participation is claiming people have a right to serve or at least implying that. 

Certain stats about transgender populations are concerning though. 

Transgender people on average do not have great mental health with one of the biggest worries being suicide. Soldiers committing suicide or having high suicidal tendencies in the line of duty or even after service is not something the military should have to initially put up with. 

The military shouldn’t also have to worry about soldiers going into gender dysphoria while in the middle of high stress situations not limited to just wartime conditioning. 

Are there transgender people who are mentally stable? Yes. Are there transgender people who could successfully serve in the military? Yes. Should the military pull from a group of people who are statistically proven to not be in the right mindset in social situations let alone combat situations? No. 

The military should not even accept applicants who have a history of any mental illness or severe depression into its ranks regardless of sex preferences. This is a problem, in general, that military drafts encounter in that they indiscriminately pull from the population not caring too much for who they’re getting in terms of mental capacities and even motivation to fight. 

Then there’s all the other occurrences that tend to follow transgender people. 

Mental issues are one thing but what do you about locker rooms? How is that going to work? Should a  “woman” who just started transitioning be in a shower room with biological women? 

What about training? If a biological man says he’s a woman does that mean they’ll have to accept a “woman” with chest hair and Rambo biceps beating out all the biological women in physical conditioning and combat training? 

What about the reverse? Does a biological woman who claims to be a man get military approval to be thrown in with muscular biological male hulks training in hand-to-hand fighting. Would anyone be brave enough to acknowledge that this person will most likely die in training let alone in battle? 

What would happen in combat injuries? What if you get a biological male who says he’s a woman? How are the doctors supposed to care for “her”? Like a male or a female? If they refuse his or her’s gender and sex preference in order to treat the patient objectively is that going to result in a controversy? 

The military is no time for political correctness.

Most importantly what about the dreaded pronoun issue? What would happen if a drill instructor like Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket says to a transgender marine, “You’re a motherfucking freak of nature. I’ll call you whatever I want maggot!”? 

What about individuals who shift their gender identity on a daily basis or claim to be non-binary? How will they get classified? 

The military is no time for feelings and it’s unfortunate yet understandable that feelings are a big part of transgenderism. 

All of the above pushed to the side, I would consider this a blessing for transgender people to be exempt. The US has not fought a just war in decades. If a useless WWIII or another schism in the Middle East breaks out they will not have to fight. It’s also a loophole for right minded people to get around the draft since everyone knows that anyone who doesn’t want to get drafted will claim to be transgender.

It’s terrible, like most current events, that this is a social justice politicized issue. It should only be left up to “politically incorrect” military doctors and military officials to judge policy. It can literally be a matter of life and death if you have special interest groups and severely confused young adults being the social arbiters of this issue. 

The best compromise I could even consider is perhaps if the government took extra care to screen applicants individually. On the other side, the military bureaucracy should run things like a cut-throat operation and not have to go through applicants with a fine-tooth comb.

This whole Ruth Bader Ginsburg “on the basis of sex” mentality must die. Nothing in that mentality rests upon individual merit and good ideas but instead on getting into positions of power based upon superficial traits just to make a political statement of some kind. That’s not to say precedents cannot be set by things like sex and gender.

Just because you have a trait of some kind doesn’t mean that qualifies you to speak objectively on an issue or perform an action. If your goal is to join the military to make a statement you are not only endangering your life but also the lives of others. You should join the military with the mindset of becoming a unit (non-binary perhaps?) willing to only follow orders. Forget being an expressive individual who wants to constantly showboat. It’s bad enough that we have a lot of that in the military already. 

I don’t expect massive upheaval from this community’s political interest and social justice groups since this career does involve a high chance of death or suicidal consequences. It’s similar to how feminists moan about inequality yet never complain about the workforce gender death gap or the gender gap at Arlington National Cemetery. 

As we all know the phrase, “Pick your battles” (no pun intended) means pick and choose where you’d like to be equal and where you’d rather not recognize you’re unequal. 

I’m still unsure about my opinion on this issue but here’s another perspective from someone who’s actually transgender, Blaire White. 

Diverse Conformity


The diversity fetish of liberal progressives continues to tap dance around western societies on a daily basis.

Regardless of what you’re told, the left’s old age diversity scheme is predicated, not on diversity, but on conformity. They even admit it in one of their worn diatribes on the supposed power structures that make up societies in the west. 

Take this as an example: 

Left: We love racial, sexual, sexual orientation, and gender diversity.

Also left: Race, sex, sexual orientation, and gender are social constructs used to oppress the “marginalized”. 

If their second contradictory point is true, what’s the point of diversity? If everyone is the same (i.e., no racial or sexual differences) why fight for it? And if those differences are made up what’s left? Policing thought of course. 

That being said, it doesn’t mean if you’re of a certain race or sex you should think and act a certain way but those differences – which exist on a base level – help make people individuals and therefore “diverse”.

The only diversity that actually matters though is diversity of thought which will only happen so long as the principles of free speech are adhered to. 

The left is okay with free speech when it criticizes straight white males but when it pertains to non-whites it’s not okay. Lets be honest though. The left is okay with criticizing anyone – regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, and gender – so long as they’re not on the left.  

What interesting conversations will result if everyone is brought together based on meaningless traits like race, shoe size, blood type, allergies, sex, hole preference, and gender, or even strict adherence to leftist politics? 

Why do they love superficialities instead of ideas so much? Because superficialities are meaningless compared to ideas. And when you focus on meaningless traits you leave the mind unguarded to be swept into dogma. 

This is what their true motives are. 

Look at the previous election. The left hit social media with a tidal wave bragging about how the first left-handed Latina was elected to janitor at the senate, the first lesbian basket weaver was elected to Congress, the first Ugandan male to lose his virginity at 35 was elected as a representative, yet all of those “very important” qualifications for running a country in turmoil left out one elected leader. 

Why? Because she is a republican. Young Kim, is the first Korean woman to ever hold elected office. 

As a side note, it also works against their narrative of the US being a racist and sexist country. 

The diversity con of superficialities is just a front to show people that they’re not racist or sexist. What they don’t understand is that intellect is what gives people their humanity – not their genetic traits. 

The left: making everyone diversely left-wing since their slave owning days.